Pet Care 101: Tips for Handling Hot Weather
During the dog days of summer, hot weather and the health and wellness of your furry companions may be something to which you need to pay close attention.
Cats, dogs and other pets rely on you to provide a safe and survivable environment, and hot temperatures can quickly have serious consequences for their well-being.
7 Pet Safety Tips for Hot Weather Conditions
Help keep your pet cool and comfortable even amid difficult climate conditions by considering the following strategies:
- Never leave your pet in a hot vehicle. Even if you crack a window or plan to return quickly, something could happen that could delay you and leave your pet suffering.
- Change your routine if necessary. You may often enjoy letting your cat out or taking your dog on runs with you, but consider the temperature and weather before doing so.
- Keep them inside. While your pets may appreciate the stimulation of being outdoors, hot weather may require you to keep them in your home.
- Provide relief. Regardless of where your pet spends their day, make sure they have access to shade and water.
- Do not rely on fans. Animals handle heat differently than humans. As such, certain things that provide us with relief, such as fans, may not be as effective for your pet.
- Know the signs of heatstroke. Symptoms of heatstroke include heavy panting, red gums or tongue, rapid pulse, glazed eyes, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue. Seek veterinary care immediately if you think your pet may be experiencing heatstroke.
- Consider insurance. Pet insurance can be a valuable investment for your financial interests and your companion’s health.
We’re Here to Help
Contact Pacelli Insurance in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania, today to learn more about pet care and insurance.
This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.
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